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Wonderful Life BBS
[ JPRS database provides information on network administration. Its use is ] [ restricted to network administration purposes. For further information, ] [ use 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp help'. To suppress Japanese output, add'/e' ] [ at the end of command, e.g. 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp xxx/e'. ] Domain Information: [ドメイン情報] [Domain Name] XSRV.JP [登録者名] エックスサーバー株式会社 [Registrant] Xserver Inc. [Name Server] ns1.xserver.jp [Name Server] ns2.xserver.jp [Name Server] ns3.xserver.jp [Name Server] ns4.xserver.jp [Name Server] ns5.xserver.jp [Signing Key] [登録年月日] 2006/02/23 [有効期限] 2023/02/28 [状態] Active [最終更新] 2022/03/01 01:05:06 (JST) Contact Information: [公開連絡窓口] [名前] エックスサーバー株式会社 [Name] XSERVER Inc. [Email] support@xserver.ne.jp [Web Page] https://www.xserver.co.jp [郵便番号] 530-0011 [住所] 大阪府大阪市北区 大深町4-20 グランフロント大阪 タワーA 32F [Postal Address] GRAND FRONT OSAKA TOWER A 32F, 4-20, Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka-City, Osaka [電話番号] 06-6292-8811 [FAX番号] 06-6292-8812