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JonesFlindt73 » Твс-магнетит
Whois Server for the KZ top level domain name. This server is maintained by KazNIC Organization, a ccTLD manager for Kazakhstan Republic. Domain Name............: tvs-magnetit.kz Organization Using Domain Name Name...................: Hostmaster Organization Name......: Девин Алексей Street Address.........: Сандригайло 86 бизнес центр "Апельсин" City...................: Рудный State..................: - Postal Code............: 111500 Country................: KZ Administrative Contact/Agent NIC Handle.............: HOSTERKZ-358904 Name...................: Hostmaster Phone Number...........: +77470949284 Fax Number.............: +77272379284 Email Address..........: hostmaster@hoster.kz Nameserver in listed order Primary server.........: ns1.hoster.kz Primary ip address.....: Secondary server.......: ns3.hoster.kz Secondary ip address...: Secondary server.......: ns2.hoster.kz Secondary ip address...: Domain created: 2018-11-10 14:41:02 (GMT+0:00) Last modified : 2018-11-10 14:43:03 (GMT+0:00) Domain status : clientDeleteProhibited - status prevent domain deletion from the Register (статус предотвращает удаление домена из реестра) clientTransferProhibited - status prohibits domain transfer without documents (статус запрещает трансфер домена без предоставления документов) clientRenewProhibited - status prevent domain auto renewal without payment (статус предотвращает авто продление без оплаты) Registar created: HOSTER.KZ Current Registar: HOSTER.KZ